There are also a handful of hidden items that can be uncovered by typing “debug” into the build menu search bar. You can even earn money by writing a song! Further, you’ll still find that some of the items will have to be purchased, but remember that you can either use the unlimited money cheat or simply work hard to earn lots of money to purchase any of the items that you’re interested in. There you have it, all items and objects should now be unlocked for The Sims 4! You should see a variety of new objects and items available to you that you can use in the game however you’d like.

Type “bb.showliveeditobjects” to unlock all building-based items.Type “bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement” to unlock all object-based items.Type “testingcheats true” into the window that opens up.Open the cheat window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C (PC) or R1/RB+R2/RT+L1/LB+L2/LT (Xbox One, PlayStation 4).Here’s How to Unlock All Items in The Sims 4: However, if you’re new to the world of online cheats then you might need a little help getting started, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you’ve used cheat codes in the past for The Sims, then odds learning how to unlock all objects in The Sims 4 will be a pretty familiar process for you. So if you’re wondering how to unlock all items in The Sims 4, then you’ve found the right guide because we are going to show you exactly what to do. While it’s not possible in the real-word, the virtual world of The Sims 4 has done its best to let us see what life could be like with cheat codes. Let’s be honest, life can be hard sometimes, and at time’s we’ve all wished we could cheat our way through it.